Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Things I Learned While Walking the Flushing Trail Today

In an attempt to say "screw you illnesses!" I got out and went for a walk this morning along the Flushing Trail. It was really nice and even though I still feel icky, I feel better. If that makes any sense. Anyway, I learned a few interesting things today that I would like to share...

1. I am super duper out of shape. Whew!

2. I look like Forest Gump when I run. I actually had to stop running cause I was laughing at myself too hard.

3. People are awfully smiley, like don't they know I am doing physical activity aka torture?! This is no time for smiles people!!

4. The squirrels along the trail are super tame but they still won't let you pet them. Bummer.