Sunday, January 15, 2012


I am trying to get into the whole couponing craze, but as a generally lazy individual I find it to take more effort than I would like. BUT I'm gonna suck it up and go for it anyway. I would benefit from the savings for sure and it's my little way of "sticking it to the man" hehe. I have the advice/guidance of my friends Jen & Sarah who are super-dooper couponers so hopefully their skills will rub off on me. If not I could always try to bribe them to let me buy their "freebies" off of them...? Eh, we'll see!!

Friday, January 13, 2012

What has got me talking about football...

...Tim Tebow of course!

I am NOT a sports follower, but I do know a few players (typically just the hotties). I don't really care how far they throw a touch-down or how many yards they can sack or whatever, lol. BUT I have an interest in Tebow, as does most of the country these days. From my limited knowledge I can gather that he is an awesome ball player, and an outstanding example of a God-fearing & God-loving Christian. So of course he is being attacked by haters. I was under the impression that each time Tebow scored a touchdown he would and I quote "praise Jesus in an obnoxious fashion while shoving Christianity down the throats of those watching". So I am thinking wowzers this guy is crazy! Then I see that in reality all he is doing is simply kneeling in prayer for a quick second....someone please tell me how that is obnoxious or forcing Christianity on anyone?!?! Tim Tebow seems like an outstanding guy in many ways. What little I know of his story is pretty cool and I plan to read his bio soon. It just makes me sick that in America we are expected to be soooo accepting of every religion, belief, lifestyle, etc. If a Christian speaks out against gay marriage, abortion, etc we are horrible people, BUT everyone else can openly mock Christians and it's tolerated and accepted. Makes a lot of sense to me *rolls eyes*.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A Jolly Christmas to You

I sincerely hope you had a great Christmas this year. As I said in my status update; "You have the ability to make this Christmas great no matter how unfortunate your current situation may be." And I hope you did just that.

Honestly, the holiday season could be torture for someone who is struggling with loss, hurt, dispare. I can't imagine how difficult it must be for some people, but then if you really think about it...Christmas is kind of a feeling of the heart. I mean of course it is a real celebration of the birth of our Saviour, but it's also about showing the love of Christ through your own heart. Even if you have no money to buy presents for your kids, you can still bless them with lasting memories and happiness.