One of my biggest struggles in this stage of my life is that I don't have a career. Not that I am like super into working or anything (My ideal career would be an heiress or a wife to a billionaire. I don't want much.) I just wish that I could do one of the things I love for the rest of my life. Throughout my life there have been two careers I've always dreamed of having. But life takes funny twists and turns and you often end up nowhere near your intended destination.
I recently completed dental assisting school, but it is not even close to anything I would ever enjoy doing. The whole medical field has a big red X on it for me. It would be torture...medical is so calculated and precise and stringent. There is no room for improvisation or creativity or happy mistakes. Honestly I only chose dental school because it was a quick fairly simple program and I was a recently divorced single-mom without a penny to my name. I needed something that would pay the bills ASAP. Turns out available dental jobs are hard to find and the few interviews I have been on abruptly ended once I mentioned my education was from Ross (talk about a $15,000 disappointment!).
If I had the time & money I would be in school right now working on one of two degrees; English Major with a Minor in Creative Writing, or Early Elementary Education. Those have both been my passion for most of my life. I love writing and I love children. To be able to give them the tools necessary to become educated individuals, as well as provide a safe and loving atmosphere five days a week would be a dream come true. As would having a published novel!
But everytime I think about those posibilities I tell myself to stop being ridiculous. I have an abundance of excuses, and most are actually legit. For example; I can't afford it, I don't have the time, I need to be working instead of taking a full load of classes, I'm too old, IT'S TOO LATE.
Ugh...I try to not worry myself with regrets, but if I had to chose one that kills me the most it would have to be not being serious about college and sticking it out to completion of a degree when I was young and able.