Saturday, September 22, 2012

Political Rant

One of the best privledges of being an American is the freedom to think for your self....yet so few actually do it. So many rely on the media and other people to tell them what they should think. I personally despise politics with a firey passion. In my opinion it doesn't matter one iota who gets elected president...they all are liars and cheaters and schemers. Romney/Obama...whatever. Democrat/Republican...whatever. I know I will get a lot of static for this, but I don't vote. Sure every vote counts, but why should I have to choose the lesser of two evils? If there were a candidate that I really supported and believed in (hahaha) then of course I would vote, but until that day comes I refuse to choose the lesser of two evils just because. This push to vote vote vote annoys me because uneducated voters then show up and vote for whomever has the best neckties or whatnot. Since I don't follow politics (unless Weekend Update on SNL counts?! No?) that's another reason for me not to vote. Maybe I'm not upholding my civic duty or whatever, but I will forever be faithful to my God than to the American government and our "leaders". I have one leader and in the end He will be the best president the world has ever known!

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