Friday, September 30, 2011

Dental Detrement

I used to keep such good care of my teeth...brush 2-3 times everyday, use only the best toothpaste, brush in tiny circles, go to the dentist diligently every 6 months...but apparently none of that matters if you DON'T FLOSS! Wow...who knew that flossing was actually necessary?! My parents did. I sure didn't think they had a clue what they were talking about though. But now that I am older, wiser & have a whopping 13 cavities (!!!) I am pretty sure they knew exactly what they were talking about!

A few weeks ago I went in to discuss a "plan" for my dental work. I totally felt like an idiot when they informed me it's going to take a total of 5 appointments and $4000 to fix everything :(

I am making head way going about every 3 weeks, so I should be done in late November. You may wonder why I am sharing this embarrassing info...1) I'm not above some deserved self-deprecation, 2) Let it be a word to the wise: kids, listen to your parents when they tell you to floss! and eat your peas! and to stop making that face before it sticks that way!

The toothless look is not quite this cute on a grown woman!


"IF life had a rewind button, would you use it?"

Oh this is a funny one! I would love to have the ability to go back and change some things, but probably if I really had the chance I wouldn't do it. I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, so all the trials & struggles are just God's handiwork...His test of my faith or strengthening me in His way. There are a few things that I have done that I feel guilty about, but guilt is a major tool of satan and I try not to dwell on those instances and instead learn from them and realize how my actions/words/etc. impact others and God. Now if only life had a pause button.....

"See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many." Hebrews 12:15

Monday, September 26, 2011


IF you had to name the best live musical performance you have ever attended, which would you pick?

I would have to say...Keith Urban. He puts on an incredible show. He can play guitar like nobody's business, let me tell you! Honestly I feel like I am at a rock concert rather than a country concert each time I go.

A close second would be the Glee live tour...that was just pure child-like fun!!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Fat not Phat

So I hopped on the scale today just for the heck of it and I was shocked by the number I saw!! I am heavier than I have ever been (not including pregnancy) and I'm NOT HAPPY about it!

I was maintaning at about 135lbs for quite a while now and I was ok with that. I was like a size 8, sometimes able to fit a 6. It wasn't where I would like to be, but I still felt good about myself.

Now I am abot 147lbs and a sixe 10 or higher. It Sucks! I feel awful about myself, none of my clothes fit, it's driving me crazy. I think a lot of it is due to the Lupron injections that put me into "faux" menopause. That combined with my love of food and inclination to be lazy....I am doomed!! :(


I journal almost every night, but sometimes I need a break from all the intensity of it and I just need to write something to clear my mind so I can sleep! So with that in mind I purchased a book called "If...", basically it has a different prompt for each day. My goal is to blog my way through the whole book!! You will find out things about me you never even knew you wanted to know lol!!